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Vascular Reduction

Spider veins are a common result of aging and sun damage but can also occur during pregnancy. Unsightly veins often appear on your lower legs and can also be found on the upper legs, arms, and even the face. If you are tired of looking at unattractive spider veins anywhere on your body, vascular reduction might be suitable for you. Vascular reduction is a safe and effective treatment for removing spider veins. Schedule a consultation with New Day Aesthetic Medicine today to find out more.


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How Does Vascular Reduction Work?

Laser vascular reduction is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser emissions to heat and injure enlarged veins, causing them to collapse. At New Day Aesthetic Medicine, we apply a handheld laser to your skin, generating heat. The heat causes the blood vessel walls to collapse, cutting off blood flow. Vascular reduction can help treat smaller veins as well as enlarged spider veins.


Benefits Of Vascular Reduction

Vascular reduction can help remove unwanted veins and provides the following benefits:

  • Minimal discomfort
  • No downtime
  • No anesthetics required
  • Fast procedure
  • Long term results

Vascular Reduction FAQ


Interested In Learning More About Vascular Reduction At New Day Aesthetic Medicine?

There is no need to put up with spider veins any longer! If you are interested in vascular reduction, New Day Aesthetic Medicine is happy to walk you through the procedure and answer any questions you might have. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and be on your way to a happier, healthier you!


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